Divorce and family law involve the most personally complex and important issues that an individual will likely ever face. At times like these, having a skilled and trusted advisor is essential. We handle many difficult family law issues, including complex child custody, divorce, alimony, child support, and property division matters. In many cases, an out-of-court agreement can be reached through smart negotiation, without the need for litigation. However, sometimes aggressive litigation is necessary. If that occurs, rest assured Mr. Nichols will go to battle on your behalf in Court.
Domestic Violence Protection Orders (50B)
A Domestic Violence Protective Order is usually referred to in North Carolina as a 50B Order. The 50B stands for the Chapter of the North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS) that lays out the legal requirements of a 50B order and the relief that a person can get from such an order.
A 50B Order is an order issued by a North Carolina District Court in response to a complaint by a party (the plaintiff) regarding physical abuse, or imminent threats of physical abuse.
In response to the complaint, the Court may issue an order instructing the Defendant not to threaten, assault or harass the plaintiff. In some case the Court does much more, including making temporary decisions about custody of children, ordering the defendant to attend anger management courses, and ordering the defendant to stay away from the plaintiff.
Violation of a 50B Order is a class A1 misdemeanor, punishable by up to 150 days in jail. In other words, a 50B Order is a very powerful tool.
If you are in a domestic violence situation do not wait until it is too late. Mr. Nichols handles 50B matters on a regular basis. Call him today to discuss your particular situation.